Canadian winters are COLD. Canadians know it, Americans know it, basically every single country knows it. And while every Canuck may not be skilled at making igloos, we’re certainly experts on keeping warm – indoors and out. So when the temperatures drop and the snow starts falling, pull out these home must-haves to keep toasty warm.

Blankets on Blankets on Blankets

Linus had the right idea when it came to carrying around his blue blanket – are we sure he wasn’t secretly from the Great White North? Blankets are probably the easiest thing to keep warm with when the temperature drops. Toss a patterned throw over the arm of your couch for a casual decor piece, and then reach for it when you start to get chilly.

Although some may argue that you can never have enough, if you find yourself buried in blankets, consider a storage ottoman as a space to store your favourite throws. Not only does it offer a place to stow your burrito of warmth until you’re ready to use it again, but an ottoman is a great footrest or an extra seat when you have guests.

Come On, Baby, Light My Fire

Picture this: you – covered in a blanket, obviously – cozied up on your squishy couch, basking in the heat from a fireplace. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Fireplaces are a wonderful way to add both warmth and ambience inside your home when sub-zero temperatures hit. Electric fireplaces in particular are great because they’re family friendly. Not only can you move them from room to room on a whim, but because they don’t use actual flames, the glass doesn’t get hot.

You could also use a fireplace for other fun things:

  1. Hang your stockings on it with care.

  2. Display awkward family photos on the mantel.

  3. Pretend to roast marshmallows with the kids (while your significant other prepares real s’mores in the microwave or oven).

Carp-et Diem

If you have hardwood, laminate or tile flooring – basically anything other than carpet – then you’ll be amazed at the difference an area rug can make. Not only do they protect your bare feet from chilly floors, but rugs also offer an opportunity to add fun colours and patterns to a room.

You can even layer area rugs for an extra cozy vibe. Place a fuzzy, sheepskin-style rug over a flatter, less textured one for an upscale feeling. Just remember to rotate rugs in high traffic areas every few months to ensure they wear evenly and last longer.

Bountiful Bedding

There are few things better than climbing into a bed with freshly washed bed sheets – except perhaps when those sheets are incredibly soft and cozy and tucked under a warm comforter.

Complete your cozy cocoon with a fluffy comforter and pillows. There’s no such thing as too many pillows. The only downside to luxurious sheets and a plushy comforter? You may never want to leave your bed.

An Illuminating Idea

Let’s face it, our winters are dark and dreary. There’s that depressing period from November 1st to the winter solstice, where it just gets increasingly darker every day. How to combat the darkness? Lamps!

Keeping all your overhead lights on can feel really harsh, but having dark corners and little light isn’t great either. So turn off the overheads and turn on some lamps. Place a lamp at opposite corners of the room on at least two sides: this balances out the lighting and makes the room seem larger yet cozier at the same time.

Try lamps with dimmer switches so you can choose the level of brightness you prefer. You could even light some candles or get some kid-friendly battery-powered LED candles.


Whether you’re a blanket-buff, fireplace-fiend or lamp-lover, there’s something for everyone when it comes to making it through the cold season. Find what works for you and enjoy it – because we all know we’ll be running for the A/C when summer hits.